Thursday, November 22, 2018

Rav Tzaddok Komarna and Rav Nosson on Vayishlach; Arizal on Chanukah with Chasidus

Komarna Vayishlach (20 minutes long): Why were the people of Shecehm killed? Hakesav V'hakabalah since Dina heard them threatening to kill Yaakov and the tribes and sent word to them; Komarna explains why Dina and Shechem were attracted to each other; the tikkun of their union and the death of Shechem and the twenty four thousand from Rema of Pano; Ramad Valie that despite the rectification Shimon and Levi still should not have killed anyone Rav Tzaddok Vayishlach (14 minutes long): Why Yaakov was punished for failing to give Dinah to Eisav; Alter of Kelm because he didn't feel conflicted about refusing to give her to him; Lubavitcher Rebbe, because we need to do anything for kiruv; Rav Tzaddok because Yaakov needed more confidence in himself; Rebbe Nachman that true emunas chachomim encompasses confidence in ourselves and the importance of our avodah Rav Nosson on Vayishlach (22 minutes long): Yaakov tells Eisav that he must go slowly teaches that although we need to have alacrity in divine service we also need to beware of going too quick; Gra and Chovos Halevavos-Zohar on negative results of going too fast; Rav Nosson that we Daven to make keilim, vessels so we cannot rush since we need to daven more to create vessels to hold the blessing in a good way Arizal with Chasidus on Chanukah From Chessed L'avraham's summary Maseh Choshev Part 1 (25 minutes): How the tikun of Chanukah and Purim is different than that of Shabbos and Yom Tov; Chanukah teaches that Hahsem reaches us in the darkness; Rav Nosson that Chanukah Hashem's bikur cholim to the Jewish people; that the further away we are from Him the more we should appreciate every good thing we do; That Chanukah and Purim sustain the Jewish people in exile; Netach-Hode in Avodah; Tal Oros on why the lower levels of what is higher builds all levels of the lower aspects