Thursday, January 25, 2018

Komarna, Rav Tzaddok and Rav Nosson on Parshas Beshalach

Komarna: Emunah in G-d and Moshe: Living Emunah that everything is from Hashem thereby sweetening judgments Rav Tzaddok: Emunah-Dveykus stories relating to Komarna shiur; Why it tells us that Pharoh sent the Jewish people away; Why this week is called "Shabbos Shira"; The main Avodah of Shovavim is on his Shabbos Rav Nosson: Crying out to G-d--Practical Advice for Sweetening Judgments 1) Finding the positive in our situation so we open our mind and focus, coming to joy and transforming anguish and worry to joy; 2) Arousing good desire to overcome the negative desires that enable painful situations

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