Friday, December 14, 2018

Likutei Halachos and Rav Tzaddok-Komarna on Vayigash

Rav Tzaddok and Komarna (13 minutes long) Alter of Kelm Yosef tells the brothers to go up to their father since Eretz Yisrael is the highest land; This means spiritually, not higher in physical space; Yosef sent the best of Egypt; We pick up the sparks in exile and redeem them; It's like wine that is good when used correctly but very detrimental when misused; Dispute between Chovos Hatalmidim from Rav Elimelech and Rebbe Nachman whether most should use alcohol in avodas Hashem except Kiddush, havdalah and very rare occasion; What is the main thing?Story about tikkun chatzos and l'chaims; Komarna Yosef tells the brothers to hurry several other examples of this; if we knew the Shechinah was in exile with us we would hurry to do whatever we could in avodah Rav Nosson (13 minutes long) The Secret of Galus; Hashem is always with us and difficulty is the pathway to redemption; Changing a descent into an ascent; How? Tzifsei Tzaddik parable how teshuvah completely cleans out the other side; Chofetz Chaim on why baalei teshuvah are higher that they can explain that material pursuits are empty from experience; Because we bring light into the far places we were in before; Since we need a descent before ascending we can transform any descent into ascent; Teshuvah from love; Every good thing is forever; teshuvah from love

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