Machtzis Hashekel--the Fiery Half-Shekel; tempering enthusiasm so the flame endures; everyone has a contribution to make; shekel means weight; weighing nad measuring our actions; balancing accceptance and action Shiur here enjoy and have a great Shabbos kodesh! p.s. hopefully other shiurim will resume next week.
Friday, February 26, 2016
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Komarna, Rav Tzaddok, Zohar on Parshas Terumah
Komarna: Why are there two accounts of building the Mishkan? Where did the Jewish people reach at Sinai? Was it good that we insisted on hearing from Moshe instead of G-d? Rav Tzadok: What can we give the Creator? The Mishkan compared to Shabbos Zohar: The world is sustained by the light that was created on the first day was hidden for the righteous; How to access this light shiur Enjoy and check out the new "Torah in Ten" shiur on a piece of Likutei Halachos on the parshah, in the post below. In that short space of time Rav Nosson explains that: Every good point is eternal; Every person has an essential contribution to make to the Mishkan through his or her good points; Through every good deed, word or desire we generate our reward in the ultimate future
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9:28 PM
Torah in Ten--Likutei Halachos on Parshas Terumah
sorry abou tthe hiatus. The shiurim were given same as always but could not go up for technical reasons. First, this new series called "Torah in Ten," are powerful shiurim just ten minutes long. Here is a piece of likutei halachos on the parshah: Torah in Ten Parshas Terumah
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9:19 PM