Friday, November 3, 2017

Rav Nosson, Rav Tzaddok and Komarna Video and a write up of Shem Mishmuel:, "I am Dirt and Ashes"

I must apologize that the person who posted mistakenly labeled three of these videos. They are on Vayera and present some powerful Torah that are short and sweet.
Rav Nosson Vayera 1
Ayeh and the Akeida
Rav Nosson on Vayera 2
Zohar on Anar, Eshkol and. Mamre; The Chamber of Exchanges

Rav Tzadok Kometz Hamincha on Vayera
Lott, his wife; redeeming soul of Moshiach through his daughters' pure intentions

The joy of Avraham during the Akeida; the Greatness of the Akeida; The Avodah of the Akeidah

The Anavah of Avraham
The Shem MiShmuel, zt”l, offers a brilliant explanation of a Mishnah in Bava Kama 21. “We find in the mishnah that if a dog or goat jumped from the roof and broke vessels, the owner pays full damage since it is mua’d, expected for this animal to act in this manner. The Kabbalists reveal that this mishnah alludes to Kayin and Hevel. We can explain this in light of how we have explained elsewhere that the very name, Kayin and Hevel allude to their essence. ‘Kayin’ means kinyan, acquisition, since he was full of himself and felt he was a real acquisition for the world. ‘Hevel,’ means breath or nothingness, since that is how Hevel felt about himself. He did not have the audacity to bring a sacrifice on his own, only after he saw that Kayin brought his.
“Each of these character traits has an important place in avodah. Surely, one must feel important and understand that what he does makes an indelible impression on the world to be successful. As our sages revealed in Avos, one must be as bold as a lion in his Divine service. He must ‘uplift his heart in avodas Hashem,’ as we find in the verse. We all must say that the world was created solely for me, as our sages tell us in Sanhedrin. This is why Chava called him Kayin, saying, ‘I have acquired a man with Hashem.’ She meant that he use this faculty of kinyan for avodas Hashem. In such matters, one must feel that he is a real acquisition and have immense self-confidence.
“Similarly, the character trait of Hevel is imperative for sincere avodah. Avrohom declared that he was dust and ashes and Moshe and Aharon said, ‘V’nachnu mah?’—‘What are we?’ Whatever wisdom has to crown its head, humility uses to adorn its heel. Yet one must beware the danger of inappropriate humility that leads to great despair, indolence and coolness in avodas Hashem. 
“This is why the mishnah tells us that they leaped from the roof. These character traits must be used in proper balance as appropriate. If one misuses one, he jumps from the roof of his potential to the lowest point, since misusing these character traits causes deep, great falls. Hashem should protect us and show us the right way to serve Him sincerely!”
[Shem MiShmuel, Chanukah, p. 208]

Friday, October 27, 2017

Videos of Rav Nosson and Komarna; Write Up of Rav Tzaddok on Lech Lecha

Here is the first video: Rav Nosson on Lech Lecha
The Seven Nations were in Israel before Yisrael to reveal deep divine kindness. This is also why we leave the arla seven days before doing a bris milah
Here is the second: Komarna on Lech Lecha
The common denominator between Kayin, Korach and Sedom: Justice without Mercy

Never Despair!

Rav Tzaddok Hakohein of Lublin, zt”l, explains that one should never despair. “We may wonder why the Exodus is such a central part of the Jewish experience. It is the foundation of every holiday and we are supposed to feel this in the deepest part of our heart. What is the lesson from these numerous halachos?
“The answer is that in Egypt we were in the lowest possible place, the forty-ninth level of defilement. One would have thought that our situation was hopeless but Hashem delivered us from bondage and made us His nation. Our very first lesson at the inception of our peoplehood was that one should never despair, no matter what. G-d took us out then, and He can deliver us from any spiritual bondage no matter how hopeless it seems. No matter how depraved a Jew may be, what he has done or where he has been, it is never too late. He is definitely not as depraved as the hopeless slaves in Egypt. We need to know completely that Hashem will definitely deliver us, just like He delivered them!
"This was one of the lessons of Avraham's actions in Parshas Lech Lecha. There we find that Avraham pursued the powerful armies of the four kings with only three hundred and eighteen men. It seemed that he was doomed to lose, yet somehow he prevailed. This happened to Avraham, the father of the Jewish people to teach an important lesson. The quintessential character of a Jew is that we never give up, no matter what the odds. It is certainly singular that the numerical value of yiush, the Hebrew word for despair is 318, the number of men Avraham took on this seemingly hopeless quest. ”
(Pri TzaddikParshas Mishpatim)

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Shor tshiurim on Nitzavi-Vayelech

Komarna Parshas Nitzavim
Chassam Sofer: what is in our power: How bechirah works; Torah is the secret of Teshuvah
Rav Nosson Pashras Vayelech
Ayeh, the search for Hashem; How to get through difficult times

Friday, July 7, 2017

Torah in 10 Rav Tzadok on Parshas Balak

Rav Tzadok on Balak
Nevuah of Bilam; the Cheshbon of Balak; the soul source of Jews who are distant from Hashem; All Jews are intrinsically connected to Hashem and the Torah; all distance is solely on the outside