Kenaf Renanim Shabbos Rimon 26 (25 minutes) We can make havdalah until Tuesday since the influence of Shabbbos extends until then; One who focuses on the following throughout his week will not sin and shuts up the yetzer hara from any accusations; Sunday we bring in neshamah-thought, Monday ruach-dibur and tuesday nefesh, action; Pischei Sha'arim on what that is; Did Hashem make two equal light sources originally? Ibn Ezra: No merely two huge bodies that were the sun and moon; Maharal: yes they were equal; Pischei Sha'arim yes; the four yesodos of fire, air, water and earth and how they relate to the soul and the worlds; the meaning of the name Hashem told Moshe in our parsha and other names; the "seven Margalin, pearls"; the forty-two name in anah b'koach
Friday, December 28, 2018
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
Rav Tzaddok Komarna and Rav Nosson on Shemos and Shovavim
Rav Tzaddok Shemos (17 minutes long) Rashi says (from Pirkei d'Rebbe Eliezer) Moshe used the donkey that Moshiach will ride and that Avraham rode but how old can a donkey be? Rav Tzadok explains that chamor alludes to chomer materialism since they overcame their material selves. But what about when Avraham says to Eliezer and Yishmael to stay with the chamor implying that it is not good? the chamor was the body and it can be used for holiness or a person can let it bring him down; Maharal in Gur Aryeh and Gevuros Hashem makes very similar point but somewhat different and proves that Avraham, Moshe and Moshiach are exceptional since Hashem took them above the world; Maharal explains that the ability to transcend nature was created between weekdays-nature and Shabbos-above nature; How Maharal diverges from Rav Tzaddok; Possible explanation of the creation of the negative donkey bein hashemashos according to Rav Tzaddok that Hashem also created Sheidim bein hashemashos; Zohar that every person has shin daled in him that must be tempered with a yud to form Shakai holy limits by channeling the yetzer hara in the correct way Komarna Shemos (14 minute duration) Rav Tzaddok so much of Torah was is commemorating the exodus since we were slaves on the 49th level of impurity and G-d redeemed us nevertheless this teaches that we should never despair; Zohar about Yechezkel's prophecy in chutz l'aretz to encourage the Jewish people that Hashem was with us in exile; Komarna What is His name? Ehekeh asher Ehekeh; Ramban from MIdrash that this means how you act to Hashem He acts to you; Maharal in Gevuras Hashem from Midrash that Hashem revealed Himself in a bush to teach that the DIvine Presence is everywhere; The importance of marital harmony to bringing the geulah; Ish and Isha have the shem Hashem in their name since He is there when there is shalom bayis; We bring the redemption and rebuild the beish hamikdash by marital harmony; why one who is unmarried lacks completion--this is compared to how he could be at his best but an unmarried man could be way beyond his married friend Rav Nosson Shemos-Shovavim (11 minute duration) Everything that the Jewish people suffered in Egypt we endure in our spiritual exile; They got through it by crying out to Hashem and so do we; Crying out to Hashem is the main avodah of Shovavim; Shovavim is tikun habris but bris is synonymous with emunah, simcha and anavah; Ba'alei Tosefos that the Jewish people only cried out when the king died since they were relying on the old king's decree to die with him and this limited them; Rav Tzadok the main time to access the light of Shovavim is on Shabbos;
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7:23 PM
Friday, December 14, 2018
Likutei Halachos and Rav Tzaddok-Komarna on Vayigash
Rav Tzaddok and Komarna (13 minutes long) Alter of Kelm Yosef tells the brothers to go up to their father since Eretz Yisrael is the highest land; This means spiritually, not higher in physical space; Yosef sent the best of Egypt; We pick up the sparks in exile and redeem them; It's like wine that is good when used correctly but very detrimental when misused; Dispute between Chovos Hatalmidim from Rav Elimelech and Rebbe Nachman whether most should use alcohol in avodas Hashem except Kiddush, havdalah and very rare occasion; What is the main thing?Story about tikkun chatzos and l'chaims; Komarna Yosef tells the brothers to hurry several other examples of this; if we knew the Shechinah was in exile with us we would hurry to do whatever we could in avodah Rav Nosson (13 minutes long) The Secret of Galus; Hashem is always with us and difficulty is the pathway to redemption; Changing a descent into an ascent; How? Tzifsei Tzaddik parable how teshuvah completely cleans out the other side; Chofetz Chaim on why baalei teshuvah are higher that they can explain that material pursuits are empty from experience; Because we bring light into the far places we were in before; Since we need a descent before ascending we can transform any descent into ascent; Teshuvah from love; Every good thing is forever; teshuvah from love
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3:36 PM
Chanukah Continues after 8 Days and Parshas Vayigash
Expanding Chanukah (18 minutes long.) From Alter of Kelm that Chanukah continues to shine until 30 days after 8; Divrei Chaim and Yesod Yosef prepared for Chanukah from at least 30 days before; Chanukah is shining a light into the darkness by channeling the yetzer hara for good; Mekor Chaim that the yetzer hara ferments bread since it is the main element in our avodah and why; Zohar that every person has a shin daled inside that we need to imbue with a yud by channeling it correctly; Rav Nosson that even after the days of Chanukah higher supernal illumination is available but we have no vessel to receive it now so we cannot keep lighting; if Chanukah was less than we would like we can always fix this after; Alter of Kelm deeper reason why we light eight days even though we had oil for one--that nature is from Hashem; His lesson that we need to work on internalizing our avodah and not merely going on what we got naturally since this can easily be lost or diverted; Rashbam and Rashi on our Parsha's verse that Yaakov saw the wagons and was revived; That Rashbam merely revealed a pshat aspect but never meant to nullify drash or the words of our sages; Bris, emunah, simcha and anavah are all one aspect; Bris means connection and that is its main element
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4:02 AM
Thursday, November 22, 2018
Rav Tzaddok Komarna and Rav Nosson on Vayishlach; Arizal on Chanukah with Chasidus
Komarna Vayishlach (20 minutes long): Why were the people of Shecehm killed? Hakesav V'hakabalah since Dina heard them threatening to kill Yaakov and the tribes and sent word to them; Komarna explains why Dina and Shechem were attracted to each other; the tikkun of their union and the death of Shechem and the twenty four thousand from Rema of Pano; Ramad Valie that despite the rectification Shimon and Levi still should not have killed anyone Rav Tzaddok Vayishlach (14 minutes long): Why Yaakov was punished for failing to give Dinah to Eisav; Alter of Kelm because he didn't feel conflicted about refusing to give her to him; Lubavitcher Rebbe, because we need to do anything for kiruv; Rav Tzaddok because Yaakov needed more confidence in himself; Rebbe Nachman that true emunas chachomim encompasses confidence in ourselves and the importance of our avodah Rav Nosson on Vayishlach (22 minutes long): Yaakov tells Eisav that he must go slowly teaches that although we need to have alacrity in divine service we also need to beware of going too quick; Gra and Chovos Halevavos-Zohar on negative results of going too fast; Rav Nosson that we Daven to make keilim, vessels so we cannot rush since we need to daven more to create vessels to hold the blessing in a good way Arizal with Chasidus on Chanukah From Chessed L'avraham's summary Maseh Choshev Part 1 (25 minutes): How the tikun of Chanukah and Purim is different than that of Shabbos and Yom Tov; Chanukah teaches that Hahsem reaches us in the darkness; Rav Nosson that Chanukah Hashem's bikur cholim to the Jewish people; that the further away we are from Him the more we should appreciate every good thing we do; That Chanukah and Purim sustain the Jewish people in exile; Netach-Hode in Avodah; Tal Oros on why the lower levels of what is higher builds all levels of the lower aspects
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12:32 PM
Friday, May 11, 2018
4 Video Shiurim on Bechukosai
Ramchal beautiful explanation of why the verse begins with Hashem's bris with Yaakov and only then mentions the other avos; Why it says, Avos and the significance of Hashem remembering the land ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Komarna Story sfas emes, chidushei harim; the greatness of these inyanim; Komarna on how we become a new creation through keeping mitzvos ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rav Nosson: Hashem will never abandon us since we are filled with longing for Him; Yesod means connection and we bring this out by longing for Hashem ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rav Tzaddok: Curses in Bechukosai and Ki Savo; Why one is in singluar and one is plural; why we read this every year two shabosim before Shavuos and Ki Savo two shabosim before Rosh Hashanah P.s. in the shiur I mention that there is no Zohar on Bechukosai and a comprehensive exploration of the avodah of the Klalos is available in Ramad Valie's masterful discussion. This was an error since there is a short Zohar on Bechukosai (Ki Savo has no regular Zohar on it). Yet the point stands, since it does not deal with the klalos (expect the encouragement mentioned in the piece on Rav Nossn and why the tochacha is called divrei habris and a bit more.) So if you want to understand the avodah aspect, you need Ramad Valie.
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7:43 AM
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Connecting to Rebbe Shimon bar Yochai
Lag Baomer shiur: The word "Shimon" forms "Mash Avon"--"depart sins";Alludes to really hearing and internalizing as in Shema Yisrael; the greatness of Rebbe Shimon
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7:10 PM
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Video Shiurim Vayikra and Parshas Hachodesh
Rav Tzaddok on Parshas Hachodesh: The avodah of Rosh Chodesh, accessing the light of redemption especially available during this during Nissan Connection of above piece to Parshas Vayikra: Based on Rashi and Maharal on upper and lower water Komarna on Parshas VAyikra: Deeper dimension of sacrifice. Preparing for Pesach and About Rav Tzadok: About Rav Tzaddok and preparing for Pesach Rav Tzaddok on Parshas Vayikra: That Hashem calls all of us and we need Him to fill us with the light of Torah Rav Nosson on Parshas Vaykra: restoring what we put out of place due to sin
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1:42 PM
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
Rav Tzadok on Vayakel and Para; Komarna on Vayakel; Rav Nosson on Pikudei
Rav Tzaddok on Vayakel and Pikudei: Do not make a fire on Shabbos also alludes to the fire of jealousy, desire and honor; Three of the four parshios fix each of these aspects respectively while hachodesh enables a deep sense of renewal Komarna on Vayakel: Not making fire o motzei Shabbos before kidusha d'sidra and havdalah; making clarifications during the six days of the week Rav Nosson on Pikudei: why the Mishkan traveled through the desert; we reveal the Mishkan through holy longing
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9:06 AM
Thursday, March 1, 2018
Rav Nosson on Ki Sisa: People are harder to deal with than the yetzer hara; patience with ourselves and others no matter what Komarna: Accepting the light of Shabbos and keeping it during the six weekdays; the detrimental effects of chilul Shabbos; the nature of Shabbos and the Jewish people's bond to the Jewish people Rav Tzaddok: The providence of Hashem: what we can understand and what we cannot; Only retroactively can we sometimes see the advantage of suffering like after we left Egypt
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11:30 PM
Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Komarna, Rav Tzaddok and Rav Nosson on Purim
1) Komarna: : I go with this avodah each Purim and it never fails to helps focus on getting into and experiencing Purin; Profound but very powerful. Never fails to deepen and enhance one's Purim experience; Pesachya all gates open on Purim; How to access the elusive light of Purim 2) 4 minute Purim Shiur: Power of prayer on Purim and Chasidus behind Hamentashin 3) Rav Tzaddok on Purim:: we learn holy chutzah from Amalek; the avodah of Purim 4) Rav Nosson on Purim Part I: 5) Rav Nossno on Purim part II All beginnings were from Pesach but now are from Purim (Rebbe Nachman) what this means; why we drink? How Purim is a preparation for the avodah of Pesach; giving life to one's own sparks of holiness that is trapped in materialism A Freilichin Upliftin' Purim!
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7:13 PM
Thursday, February 22, 2018
Short Shiurim on Titzvaveh, Zachor and Tanis Ester
Rav Tzaddok and Rav Nosson Parshas Zachor Who is Amalek? Can one renege on being Amalek? What it means that Amalek cooled us on the derech, way. Holy and unholy derech and how to overcome Amalek Komarna on Parshas Titzaveh and Mekor Chaim on Tanis Ester: eating and fasting as atonement; the avodah of eating as a sacrifice; what it means that the kohain eats and atones for us; how is the fast of Ester different from other fasts? Rav Tzaddok on Parshas Titzvaveh: Moshe and this Parshah; What the Bigdei Kehunah, kohanim and shemen hamishcha, the sanctifying oil had in common; Why do we need kohanim? The avodah of ketores Rav Nosson on Titzvaveh: The Menorah's oil alludes that we need to shine with holiness, especially when we are engaged in them; And the good point that must be actualized by focusing on it
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11:42 AM
Sunday, February 18, 2018
Rav Tzaddok and Chidushei Harim on Month of Adar
What is the avodah of the month of Adar? Adar=Aleph the Primal Cause dwells with us so Aleph reid that is G-d comes down to us especially during this month; the joy of Adar Determent of lack of joy
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2:01 PM
Friday, February 16, 2018
Rav Tzaddok, Komarna and Rav Nosson on Terumah
Rav Tzaddok: The Aron; never giving up; the more desperation, the more inspiration, the harder the challenges the greater the person Komrana Mikdash is the same gemarria as midos (without the vav) since this is the avodah of the mikdash Rav Nosson: making a mishkan
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5:14 PM
Friday, February 9, 2018
Rav Tzaddok, and Komarna on Mishpatim; Rav Noson on Shekalim
Rav Tzaddok Rav Tzadok: Tefilah and Dveykus in the parsha; Using all days and that a b'aal teshuvah will restore all his lost days; shovevim and mishpatim; mishpatim begins with slaves to teach that even a person enslaved to his desires will be redeemed; even if he wants to stay a slave he will also be redeemed Komrana: Not to hurt a convert with word's or monetarily--one who does so limits divine bounty on the world Rav Nosson on Shekalim: Mishkal means weigh, we need to learn to constrict the light to serve Hashem in a balanced way
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4:37 AM
Thursday, January 25, 2018
Komarna, Rav Tzaddok and Rav Nosson on Parshas Beshalach
Komarna: Emunah in G-d and Moshe: Living Emunah that everything is from Hashem thereby sweetening judgments Rav Tzaddok: Emunah-Dveykus stories relating to Komarna shiur; Why it tells us that Pharoh sent the Jewish people away; Why this week is called "Shabbos Shira"; The main Avodah of Shovavim is on his Shabbos Rav Nosson: Crying out to G-d--Practical Advice for Sweetening Judgments 1) Finding the positive in our situation so we open our mind and focus, coming to joy and transforming anguish and worry to joy; 2) Arousing good desire to overcome the negative desires that enable painful situations
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12:51 AM
Thursday, January 18, 2018
Komarna, Rav Nosson and Rav Tzaddok on Parshas Bo
Komarna--dealing with negative thoughts Rav Nosson--Who is a Tzaddik and what about those who follow people who are not righteous; the Greatness of sincere desire evne if one is incorrect Rav Tzaddok: contrasting Egyptian mores with Jewish morality; Three types of humility to combat thee sins
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10:11 PM