Dealing with negative thoughts; Can we think two thoughts at once? What is the best way to attain purity of thought? Thoughts come one at a time like a train or a ticking clock; On Shabbos we cease creative labor; We cease harmful thoughts by redirecting our train of thought and thinking about somerthing else Parshas Vayakhel shiur
Thursday, March 3, 2016
Friday, February 26, 2016
Torah in Ten, Likutei Halachos Parshas Ki Sisa
Machtzis Hashekel--the Fiery Half-Shekel; tempering enthusiasm so the flame endures; everyone has a contribution to make; shekel means weight; weighing nad measuring our actions; balancing accceptance and action Shiur here enjoy and have a great Shabbos kodesh! p.s. hopefully other shiurim will resume next week.
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1:57 PM
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Komarna, Rav Tzaddok, Zohar on Parshas Terumah
Komarna: Why are there two accounts of building the Mishkan? Where did the Jewish people reach at Sinai? Was it good that we insisted on hearing from Moshe instead of G-d? Rav Tzadok: What can we give the Creator? The Mishkan compared to Shabbos Zohar: The world is sustained by the light that was created on the first day was hidden for the righteous; How to access this light shiur Enjoy and check out the new "Torah in Ten" shiur on a piece of Likutei Halachos on the parshah, in the post below. In that short space of time Rav Nosson explains that: Every good point is eternal; Every person has an essential contribution to make to the Mishkan through his or her good points; Through every good deed, word or desire we generate our reward in the ultimate future
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9:28 PM
Torah in Ten--Likutei Halachos on Parshas Terumah
sorry abou tthe hiatus. The shiurim were given same as always but could not go up for technical reasons. First, this new series called "Torah in Ten," are powerful shiurim just ten minutes long. Here is a piece of likutei halachos on the parshah: Torah in Ten Parshas Terumah
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9:19 PM
Monday, January 25, 2016
The Shofar and the Sap of Tu B'Shvat
On Tu B'shvat the sap rises in the trees. The word for Sap is Sraf. It is spelled shin reish fei. The same letters spell shofar, since the influence of Rosh Hashanah is what empowers trees to grow. It is also Reshef, which alludes to negative spiritual forces. We must chose our way in this life. Will we be like the holy shofar which sounds and sweetens judgements or like those who loudly cry out in a way that is not positive? This is one reason we pray for an esrog on Tu B'shvat. Our sages likened the esrog to our heart. Everything depends on what we do with our heart. When Rav Nosson spoke about the heartiness of Avrohom Avinu, someone demurred. "But he had such a special heart!" "You also have a special heart," retorted Rav Nosson. "But you do not yet use it correctly." Hashem should help us find our heart and use it correctly from this day on! [This piece was inspired by Rav Yitzchak Moshe Ehrlinger, shlita. Today in shiur when asked about Tu B'Shvat he said, "I know nothing at all. Just that the letter seraf spell shofar and Reshef..." This is some of what I understood.]
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6:27 PM
New Year of the Tree
Rosh Hashonah 14 discusses the argument between Beis Shammai and Beis Hillel regarding the exact date of the new year for trees. According to Beis Shammai it is on the first of Shevat. Beis Hillel disagrees. They hold that Tu B’shvat is the Rosh Hashonah for trees. The Chiddushei HaRim, zt’l, teaches the deep significance of their dispute even today. “On Tu B’shevat the seraf or sap rises in the trees. The word seraf is an acronym for shishim ribo pirushim, six hundred thousand explanations. On Tu B’shevat we draw down the ability to say chiddushei Torah for the entire year. The Avnei Nezer, zt”l, adds, “Although the halachoh follows Beis Hillel, Beis Shammai is also correct regarding special people who serve Hashem in an aspect of the middas hadin. They draw down this special influx from the first day of the month of Shevat.” Rav Tzadok Hakohein of Lublin, zt”l, explains why it is customary to eat fruit on Tu B’Shevat. “Tu B’Shevat is a day when we fix the sin of Adam and Chavah partaking of the Eitz Hada'as and lowering the entire world. We eat fruit and can draw such great holiness in our food that we fix every time we ate improperly for the entire year.” [Chidushei HaRim; Pri Tzaddik]
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4:22 AM
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Komarna, Rav Tzaddok and Zohar on Parshas Beshalach--Video Shiur
Parshas Beshalach Shiur Parshas Beshalach: Rav Tzadok: The deeper meaning of Hashem not taking us through the Plishtim; Why this week in particular is called Parshas Shirah while Yisro is not known as "Parhsas Matan Torah?"; Why not call it "Parshas HaMan"? The common denominator between Shabbos Shuva, Hagadol, Nachamu and Shira; The main Avodah of Shovavim--Tikun Habris is internalizing our intrinsic connection to Hashem Komarna: Plishtim are mockers; Avoiding wasting time; The problem with politics is we forget Hashem Zohar: The power of the Shira; Torah study nullifies decrees
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1:31 AM
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Parshas Bo
Parsha Shiur Rav Tzaddok: Plague of hail; Mitzvah to sanctify the new Month; do we sanctify Shabbos? Komarna: Parable of the Baal Shem Tov from Degel Machaneh Efraim; Why Moshe pleaded with the Jews to take the wealth of Egypt Zohar: Chometz and Matza
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9:36 PM
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Parshas Vaeira Shiur
Parhsas Vaeira Shiur It begins with the Komarna on what it means to know Hashem. He wonders why we learn deeper concepts since the true essence of G-d is not graspable. He also explains that when we internalize our knowledge of Hashem, we are able to leave the staits of spiritual or material Mitzrayim, Egypt. Pri Tzaddok explains the first seven plagues in a deep way. I expanded on it, but perhaps it is deeper than it should have been. Zohar teaches techiyas hameisim from the staff that transformed into a serpent. Enjoy and see the new Spirit of the concluding Chapter 1 of the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch. Have a joyous and illuminating Shabbos Kodesh!
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3:14 PM
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Spirit of the Law, Kitzur I: 5-6
Spirit of the Law Video Shiur I: 5: Why we should not recite verses-written Torah by heart; Rav Nosson explains the essence of Torah written on parchment and the oral law I: 6: The immense spiritual repucussions of a brochah and the negative effects of a brochah said in vain
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6:02 PM
Friday, January 1, 2016
Shemos-Shovavim Parshah Shiur
Parshas Shemos-Shovavim Komarna: Using the delight of dveykut, cleaving to the Creator to trascend pain and bitterness; We are the Staff--Snake; The seven aspects of life: Chessed--Kindness, expansiveness, Gevurah--Might, constriction, Tiferet--Truth, Torah; Netzach--Victory, the Capacity to win; Hod--Gratitude, Praise, Yesod--Foundation, what I do counts, Malchut--Kingship, Making Creator King when things are Difficult; Remembering we are G-d children in every aspect of our existence; Proper Balance of Body and Soul Rav Tzaddok: Shemot begins Shovavim; When is the best time to work on purity during Shovavim? Attaining Genuine Brit; Purity is only thorugh Positivity; Kushios, hard questions are for halachic works, not people Zohar: The Power of Tears; Why is there a gate of tears if tears open all gates? The Tikkun of Childlessness; A Segulah for having Kids Enjoy and have a great Shabbos!
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2:16 AM