Friday, January 1, 2016

Shemos-Shovavim Parshah Shiur

Parshas Shemos-Shovavim Komarna: Using the delight of dveykut, cleaving to the Creator to trascend pain and bitterness; We are the Staff--Snake; The seven aspects of life: Chessed--Kindness, expansiveness, Gevurah--Might, constriction, Tiferet--Truth, Torah; Netzach--Victory, the Capacity to win; Hod--Gratitude, Praise, Yesod--Foundation, what I do counts, Malchut--Kingship, Making Creator King when things are Difficult; Remembering we are G-d children in every aspect of our existence; Proper Balance of Body and Soul Rav Tzaddok: Shemot begins Shovavim; When is the best time to work on purity during Shovavim? Attaining Genuine Brit; Purity is only thorugh Positivity; Kushios, hard questions are for halachic works, not people Zohar: The Power of Tears; Why is there a gate of tears if tears open all gates? The Tikkun of Childlessness; A Segulah for having Kids Enjoy and have a great Shabbos!

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