Monday, January 25, 2016

The Shofar and the Sap of Tu B'Shvat

On Tu B'shvat the sap rises in the trees. The word for Sap is Sraf. It is spelled shin reish fei. The same letters spell shofar, since the influence of Rosh Hashanah is what empowers trees to grow. It is also Reshef, which alludes to negative spiritual forces. We must chose our way in this life. Will we be like the holy shofar which sounds and sweetens judgements or like those who loudly cry out in a way that is not positive? This is one reason we pray for an esrog on Tu B'shvat. Our sages likened the esrog to our heart. Everything depends on what we do with our heart. When Rav Nosson spoke about the heartiness of Avrohom Avinu, someone demurred. "But he had such a special heart!" "You also have a special heart," retorted Rav Nosson. "But you do not yet use it correctly." Hashem should help us find our heart and use it correctly from this day on! [This piece was inspired by Rav Yitzchak Moshe Ehrlinger, shlita. Today in shiur when asked about Tu B'Shvat he said, "I know nothing at all. Just that the letter seraf spell shofar and Reshef..." This is some of what I understood.]

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